Mohammad is driven by one goal in mind, which is to improve your quality of life.

Mohammad's Specialties
Mental health and substance use thearapist
Mental health and substance use thearapist
- Community psychologist
- Owner of Ummah Fit Gym & Welness Center
- Motivational & Keynote Speaker
- Researcher & Holistic Business Entrepreneur
- Life Coach
- Winter Runner
- Health & Wellness Couch & Consultant
- USMC Veteran
- National Security & Cultural Competency Training
Invite Mohammad for a workshop, Keynote speech, presentations, and much more!
Follow Mohammad's Running Journey on Instagram |
Mohammad was joined by Minnesota Humanities Center President David O’Fallon. At PBS studio in Saint Paul, Minnesota USA on the Almanac show.
Special thanks to all who entrusted my team and I to create health and wellness fairs in Saint Paul Minnesota communities for the last 4 years. Many more to come! Enjoy the video. If you like to do the same in your communities, plesae let us know! :-)
Role of a community psychologist