I so miss the snow! I now understand who I am. I am the snow running man! We will meet once again in the deep bitter beautiful cold! Insha Allah (God willing) Once again we will be one! I long to breathe you -25! I long for my lungs to feel that frez. A place where there are no bone impact, only muscle motion of running through you! I finally know who I am, I am the snow running man! Mohammad Zafar
It is a tough challenge to make a healthy change at times. There will be times when it means to stop eating salt, or tampering off a medication. What can be even harder is when you try to implement weight training or another form of workout. Not because they are tough but because you must go through a transition period where you body has to get use to it. The right workout that is meant to heal your bones and muscles is as effective as a detox regimen! You must commit to get through that month or two till your body no longer will feel sore, but instead you will crave it like a medicine for healing. Hello, my name is Mohammad Zafar and I believe in you!
November 2015
AuthorMohammad's Blog page. Blogging about your quality of life! |